Sunday, May 3, 2009

Why Should People Exercise - The Fat Book Program

Why Should People Exercise - The Fat Book Program

Ready for some straight talk and REAL results? You've got to check out The Fat Book. Written for people who are serious about changing their lives by a person who made SERIOUS changes in his life! Losing over 100 pounds, the author of The Fat Book takes his experience, chronicles the exercises, the nutrition regimen, and advice from his own professional personal trainers and translates that into a program that anyone can use to achieve their fitness goals.

This ebook is easily understood, and includes a well-rounded approach to losing weight. It discusses eating and exercise regimes. It also provides workouts that are easily understood and useful.

The Fat Book is a first hand account of how one person took his fate into his own hands and changed self-defeating behaviors that were leading to an early death. By following the Seven Secrets he outlines in this ebook, he lost over 100 pounds and saw amazing changes in his personal health and attitude on life in general. He describes what pushed him to make this change, how he stuck with it, and all of the details of diet and exercise that got him from point A to point B.

While reading through this ebook I found myself relating to his experiences, and realized that if he could do this, so could I! I definitely recommend this ebook to anyone interested in losing weight in a healthy, sustainable manner. It's life altering!

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